There Is No Winning Purpose.

When I hear the rhetoric from the 47th president of the United States about winning, I always ask myself…what is the race the United States is in, and who are they racing against? 

There is no winning best country. Yes, there might be some articles written about the best countries to live in, but I guarantee you those countries are not in a race to have someone praise them or give them a medal. They are just working every day to improve the lives of their citizens, and the reward for that is someone from the outside giving them a compliment or recognition to say, "Hey, we think you have created something great. Congratulations."

This is the same for living your purpose. There is no race to be the best person at realizing one's purpose. Purpose-driven people simply work hard every day to improve the lives of those for whom their purpose is intended.

Now…this isn’t to say that along the way, someone might recognize what they have accomplished and congratulate them, or someone might value what they have done so much that they reward them with money. However, these compliments and tokens of appreciation don’t signal winning because there is no race, finish line, or competitors when living purposefully; one’s purpose is infinite, and the only person challenging you is yourself to keep evolving to helping those you care about.


Having Purpose And Knowing Your Purpose Are Two Diffeent Things


One Of The Biggest Changes Since Identifying My Purpose.