Lead With Purpose Workshop

 I started this workshop because I wanted to live my best life, but I didn’t know how to be intentional about it. 

— Catherine Lash

Lead With Purpose Workshop

Life assumes you will live your best version of it by maintaining your authenticity while making meaningful impact.

Leading With Purpose is a tool to help us be intentional about the best life you have been cultivating all these years.

During this 8-week workshop, you will put words to who you are when in authentic action, making meaningful impact.

We will use a tool called word mapping to unlock the words that identify your authentic self so you can stay focused on the easiest path to meaningful impact. 

We will use the power of storytelling to help you reflect on past experiences when you made impact so you can start being intentional about it and better the world.

Living your best life is infinite; it is something you need to keep nourishing and cultivating, but you can’t start until you identify WHY and HOW you will live it.

Join us on this transcendent journey!



1. Eight weekly sessions, which include discussions and assignments to create a vocabulary that will make up your Authentic Purpose statement, a statement of clarity and direction.

2. Two one-on-one sessions with Catherine.

Workshop Breakdown:

Weeks 1 & 2 - Word mapping and the anatomy of a purpose statement.

Weeks 3-5 - Finding themes of impact.

Week 6 & 7 - Creating your Authentic Purpose Statement.

Week 8 - Sharing your Authentic Purpose with the world.  

Teacher Catherine Lash

Next Workshop Starts October 23rd, 2024

Please fill out the form below for more information and to sign up.

Word Mapping

The tool we will use to unlock the words that will make up your authentic purpose statement so you can stay focused on the easiest path to making meaningful impact and living your best life.


  • “Anyone who is at all curious about finding their purpose, Catherine will guide you and teach you how to do it. It is a safe place to share and dive deep into past stories and thoughts that help unlock the vocabulary you need to find your purpose."

    Lauren Galeana

  • ”Catherine uses her expertise and PURPOSE to get inside your mind/heart and move you forward from a truly authentic and aligned place”.

    Lauren Bunton

  • "Finding my why helped put a spotlight on who I am at my natural best, reset my internal compass, and pointed me in the right direction so that I could take on new adventures that I wouldn't have considered before."

    Storey Wilkins

  • The Purpose Of The Workshop

    To define the contribution you want to make to the world and the impact it will have.

  • Vision For The Workshop

    I envision a group that supports each other as I guide each participant to their defining purpose.

  • Mission Of The Workshop

    Each participant will finish the workshop with a defined purpose spotlighting their contribution to the world and the impact it will have.

  • Who Should Sign Up

    Those who want to make a deeper impact for others as they master what comes naturally to them.

The Lead With Purpose Workshop

Your next workshop starts September 10th.

Find Out More.

Please tell us who you are and hit submit for more information…