Through The Lens Of Purpose Workshops
Is your organization, small business network, community group, or class interested in learning about what it means to lead with purpose - to have a clear vision of the world you believe in and the ability to bring it into existence?
Catherine will explain why clarity of purpose is important and through a series of simple exercises, Catherine will help participants clarify their authentic purpose and explain how to use it to create the world they believe in.
My authentic purpose statement I discovered in Catheriene’s workshop was 'To transcend so we go beyond! I really liked how it captures the idea of always pushing past limits and growing. Hearing others share theirs was really interesting, and it gave me a lot to think about in terms of how people interpret their own vision for the future! - Aval Sher U of T Student
Workshops Available
Transitioning Into The Workplace Through The Lens Of Purpose
Catherine will share how to transition from school or a job using your personal purpose and authenticity to guide you to opportunities you would never have considered before.
Small Business GrowthThrough The Lens Of Purpose
Catherine will realign participants with why and how they started their business to attract clients, increase the impact on existing clients and grow their brand.
Personal Well-Being Through The Lens Of Purpose
Catherine will realign participants with who they are at their natural best and the meaningful impact they can make through their purpose, the foundation of our well-being.
Corporate Culture Through The Lens Of Purpose
Catherine will guide leaders who are curious about employee well-being and collaboration through the understanding of authentic action and personal purpose.
Burnout Through The Lens Of Purpose
Catherine reassures individuals who feel disconnected and emotionally exhausted from doing for others and feel their dreams are left behind.
Midlife Through The Lens Of Purpose
Catherine gives relief to the feelings of unease, urgency and underachievement to those who Midlife is asking what is this life your living?
Life Through The Lens Of Purpose
Catherine will guide you from living a life back to living your life, maintaining your authenticity while making a meaningful impact on others.
Self-Expression Through The Lens Of Purpose
Catherine will use purpose to explore your unique point of view so you can express it in as many ways as possible.
The Authentic Purpose Statement Workbook
The Authentic Purpose Statement Workbook - After each workshop, the Authentic Purpose Statement Workbook is emailed to every participant to revisit Catherine's method to help them understand authenticity and purpose through what they intuitively know to be true about themselves.
Catherine teaches authenticity and purpose and brings clarity to the meaningful impact you make so you have the knowledge and tools to empower yourself as you build on what you are doing now or transition into something new.
"Catherine's approach to guiding students to identifying their purpose was exceptional. With an understanding of each individual's needs, she crafted a technique that was attainable for everyone in the workshop. What stood out most was Catherine's ability to spark introspection among the students, encouraging them to delve into their authentic selves and consider their aspirations. This approach got them thinking deeply about their place in the world, giving them meaning and hope.”.
Fausta Facciponte - Professor, Art & Art History, University of Toronto & Sheridan College
Book Catherine
Please fill out the form below to find out how to book Catherine to run the Authenticity and Purpose - Creating A Statement Of Truth About Ourselves workshop for your students or organization.
Your workshop guide, Catherine Lash, who has dedicated four years to studying the concept of purpose, offers a unique perspective on transitions, challenges and what it means to live our best life.
But why is it important we look through the lens of purpose?
Viewing life through the lens of purpose provides us with invaluable clarity in navigating both our personal experiences and the world at large.
Understanding our purpose enables us to authentically connect with others and enact meaningful change for the world.
Furthermore, clarity about our purpose empowers us to establish boundaries and collaborate effectively with others, honouring their individual purposes.
We're thrilled you are joining us on this journey of transcending your present moment through the lens of purpose.
Catherine Lash: Guiding people to their purpose so they can maximize their contribution to the world.
“Anyone who is at all curious about finding their purpose, Catherine will guide you and teach you how to do it. It is a safe place to share and dive deep into past stories and thoughts that help unlock the vocabulary you need to find your purpose."
Lauren Galeana
”Catherine uses her expertise and PURPOSE to get inside your mind/heart and move you forward from a truly authentic and aligned place”.
Lauren Bunton
"Finding my why helped put a spotlight on who I am at my natural best, reset my internal compass, and pointed me in the right direction so that I could take on new adventures that I wouldn't have considered before."
Storey Wilkins