Have You Heard The Word Authentruism?

Writing is one way I want to share my beliefs about the power of authenticity and purpose. Currently, I am reading and doing the exercises in Beth Kempton's The Way Of The Fearless Writer.

In chapter #3, exercise #11, Kempton encourages us to combine two words to create a new word in hopes of freeing us to see and be part of the evolution of language.

My two words are Authentic and Altruism, and when combined, they form the new word: Authentruism.


What is Authentruism? It is the commonplace between the focus on one’s self for well-being and the focus on others for fulfillment.

My Definition of Authentruism - Staying true to oneself for the benefit of others.

So…what does this have to do with PURPOSE, you ask?

Your PURPOSE is the explanation of WHY, based on personal experience; you are authentruistic - true to yourself for the benefit of others.

Once we clarify our PURPOSE, we can then lead ourselves authentruistically (I know it’s a mouthful) with clarity and direction while strengthening the foundation of our well-being and earning fulfillment.

Better make room Oxford Dictionary, there is a new word in town.

#authentrusim #authentruistic


We run on the fuel and fumes of our feelings.