Why I Identified My Purpose.

Until I identified my purpose, I lived my life not knowing my self-worth… the value I bring to the world.

What I did know or could feel was that I was living a life of meaning and purpose and that that meaning and purpose had potential.

Where I was having trouble was realizing my potential by taking advantage of the meaning and purpose I was bringing to the world. Why? Because they were not tangible. I had no words for the meaning I brought and why I was so determined to bring it.

I have spent the last five years learning as much as I can about meaning and purpose, what they are, how to put them into words and how to use those words as a tool to maximize my potential so I can contribute to the world.

We need to identify our value, the meaning we give and our purpose, for other’s happiness and joy… and our own.

I designed the Lead With Purpose Course to help you identify your value so you can maximize the potential of the meaning and purpose you have already been gifting to the world.


A Promise To My Mother


Why did I write 371 letters to a house?