Living Our Best Life

When we are born, LIFE assumes we will live our best version of it as our natural self, bettering the world. 

LIFE also assumes we will live that life in a society that will provide a safe space to help us maintain our authenticity while making meaningful impact for others bettering the world.

Life has given us tools to help us live the best version of it.

One of those tools is our intuition, our ability to know something is true without having to think about it. These tiny moments of truth light the path you forge in authentic action, making meaningful impact along the way as you better the world.

It also gave us the innate desire to be vulnerable, to brave uncertainty, and be open to criticism. WHY… because… LIFE knows humans need to evolve; we need to adapt to the changing world around us and the only way to do that is to be seen for who we are, free ourselves to find our own path forward and to listen to what others think without shaming, blaming or judging ourselves.

The reward that LIFE gives us when we evolve is a feeling of aliveness, and it is that feeling that tells us we are living our best life.

What LIFE didn’t anticipate was SOCIETY’S betrayal. 

Remember, it was SOCIETY’S job to create a safe place for us to be our authentic selves while realizing our purpose as we better the world.

Instead of creating a safe place to help us maintain our authenticity so we can better the world for others, SOCIETY took it upon itself to distract us from the important parts of ourselves.

How does SOCIETY distract us?

The voice of reason. The voice of reason extinguishes those tiny lights of truth and shares with you a list of reasons why you should rethink the path you are authentically forging making meaningful impact for those you meet along the way. 

When those lights are extinguished, we lose our sense of direction and end up on someone else’s path.

SOCIETY also distracts us from the important parts of ourselves by teaching out of us our innate desire to be vulnerable. It teaches out of us our ability to brave uncertainty, and it teaches out of us our ability to be open to criticism. Why? Because SOCIETY wants us to conform because fitting in, following the well-worn path with the guarantee at the end and protecting ourselves from shame, blame and judgement by being perfect is easier.

Here is the problem: When SOCIETY distracts us from what LIFE intended, we conform, and when we conform, we can’t naturally adapt to the changing world around us, and we become extinct. And when we become extinct, we end up living someone else’s best life.

The good news is we have all, at one time or another, lived our best life; the real challenge is to sustain and evolve it.


The Start Of A New Era


A Good Morning