For those curious about looking at life through the lens of purpose.

Purpose is who you are at your natural best, fighting for what you care about for the world.

Catherine will teach you how to take what you instinctively know about yourself and use it to make meaningful impact for others and to better the world. 

Upcoming Events

  • Speaking Tour

    Join us at one of our stops on The Good Morning House, Waking Up to Our Best Life Speaking Tour.

    We are setting out to build a community of people who want to explore connection, collaboration, and creation through the lens of purpose.

    Click for tour dates and locations.

  • Lead With Purpose Workshop

    Lead With Purpose Workshop

    Purpose is your contribution to the world and the impact it will have.

    During this eight-week workshop, Catherine will guide who you are at your natural best and the impact you want to have for others into the spotlight so you can maximize your contribution to the world.

    Registration open for our winter workshop.

  • My Purpose

    To inspirit so we live our best life.

  • My Vision

    I envision a world where we live our best life maximizing our contribution to the world.

  • My Mission

    To guide people to their purpose so they can maximize their contribution to the world.